
63 BCE — 324 CE/AD
The Roman Period
63General Pompey captures Jerusalem for Rome
63-37Hasmonean rules continues but under the protection of Rome
40Rome appoints Herod King of Judea
40-AD 4Reign of Herod the Great
37King Herod the Great captures Jerusalem
19Preparation of stones for the rebuilding of the Temple
18Herod starts actual rebuilding of the Temple
10Although not complete until AD63, Temple is dedicated
About 5/4John the Baptist, Jesus of Nazareth born (year approximate)
04Herod the Great dies (in the autumn, before thePassover of 3BCE)
New Testament Period under Roman rule — First Century AD
26-36Pontius Pilate, Roman procurator of Judea for 10 years
27-31The ministry of Jesus
27 OctoberJohn the Baptist baptizes Jesus in the first month of the
former's ministry
27 October - NovemberJesus fasts 40 days in the wilderness — Confronts Satan
27 DecemberJesus goes to Galilee, calls first disciples, performs first
miracle at the wedding in Cana
28 SpringFirst Passover of Jesus' ministry. First major exposition of the
New Testament doctrine of being born again (John 2.13-25)
28 Spring-SummerJesus calls additional disciples in Judea
28 AutumnHerod imprisons John the Baptist. Pharisees discover that Jesus
has more disciples than John (John 4.1-3)
28 DecemberJesus goes to Samaria, four months before next spring harvest(John 4.35)
28 DecemberJesus returns to Galilee; preaches the gospel in the synagoguesafter John's imprisonment – 14 months after Johnhad baptized him (Luke 4.16-21)
29 SpringSecond Passover — Jesus, two weeks after the Passover, goes
through the grain fields (Luke 6.1-2)
29 SpringJesus selects 12 disciples and designates them apostles
(Mark 3.13-19; Luke 6.12-13)
29 Jesus explains the terms of the New Covenant in theSermon on the Mount (Matthew 5.1ff; Luke 6.17-49)
29 AutumnAfter the fall Festivals, Jesus returns to Galilee from Jerusalem.
He expounds the kingdom of God with the first series ofparables (John 5.1; Luke 8.1ff)
29 AutumnJesus sends out the 12 apostles to preach (Luke 9.1-6)
29 AutumnHerod has John the Baptist beheaded after about one year inprison (Luke 9.7-9)
30 Winter - SpringJesus feeds the 5000 (Mark 6.39-44)
30 SpringAfter the third Passover, Jesus goes tot he Jews that are settledin Gentile areas (Phoenicia and the Decapolis) (John 6.4)
30 AutumnJesus goes up to Jerusalem for the Feast of Tabernacles(John 7.37-39)
30 AutumnJesus returns to Galilee and teaches disciples how to pray
(Like 11.1-4)
30 DecemberJesus returns to Jerusalem for the Feast of Dedication(Hanukkah) (John 10.22)
30 DecemberJesus withdraws to Perea, east of the Jordan river (John 10.40)
31 WinterJesus journeys to the wilderness area of Ephraim (John 11.54)
31 SpringJesus returns to Bethany and enters Jerusalem in triumphal
procession (John 12.1, 12-16)
31 AprilJesus institutes the New Covenant on the night he was betrayed;
crucified on 14 Nisan (April 25): Fourth Passover of Jesus'ministry. (John 13.1; Luke 27.7ff)
31 April 25 / Nisan 14Crucifixion of Jesus
41-44Agrippa, king of Judea, builds new city wall (The "Third Wall").
44Death of Herod Agrippa
46/47Council at Jerusalem (Acts 15.1ff)
47Paul's first journey
57Paul's arrest in Jerusalem, last visit—imprisoned inCaesarea—writes Romans(Acts 21.15ff; Romans 15.25-28)
59Paul's shipwreck and voyage to Rome (Acts 26.32; 27.1ff)
60Porcius Festus succeeds Felix as governor.Paul writes Prison Epistles
62Paul released — begins journeys in East and West
62James the Just dies
63Temple completed
Death of Paul by beheading in Rome under Nero
66-73The Great Revolt - The War of the Jewsagainst the Romans
70Fall of Jerusalem and destruction of the SecondTemple by Titus
73Fall of Masada
95Apostle John writes Revelation
98Death of John